Moulting Experience Add Quinn


The idea behind the Moulting Experiences is to hold the birds; however, Quinn, is the only member of the Flying Team that is not held by participants. This is for your safety and her well-being. For the most part, Quinn is a sweet girl and as far as Ferruginous Hawks go she’s pretty well adjusted but she is still a whole lot of bird. When Quinn does decide to go into Diva-mode it can be difficult to handle her because she is incredibly powerful.

Having said all that….

A Dark-morph Ferruginous Hawk is a very rare raptor with very few people have the opportunity to see them in the wild, and to see one up close is nearly nonexistent. If you would like Quinn to join the experience to meet her in person, add this to any Moulting Experience and she will be there with bells on!

To Add Quinn!
Double Moulting Experience-Flagstaff Area
Falconry Experience
Go ALL Out Raptor Experience
Three-Birds Moulting Experience-Flagstaff Area
Basic Moulting Experience-Flagstaff Area